History in the Making

What a night! We were all part of history in the making.As I watched the election results stream in with the Trump
team at the Hilton Hotel in New York City, we witnessed a turning point in America. As the map began to fill with red
states representing millions of individual voices across the nation, we were humbled by the response. The map,to me, represented the bleeding hearts of U.S. citizens who are concerned for America, our future, our jobs, our
families and our freedom. Core American values will now be upheld. It’s time to bring back the pride in
our country.
We are blessed as a country to have a man who loves and believes in America as our next president. I am so
thankful for God’s intervention in the election, and I pray for guidance and wisdom for President Donald J.
Trump as he serves this great country. I am confident he will surround himself with wise, competent leaders
and will look to the Lord for guidance. It is time for Americans to take a stand.
I have given Mr. Trump and his campaign “my all” in this election for the presidency, realizing the America we know
and love will be preserved by a win. Reaching past his years as president, the impact of this election will shape
America far into the future. Mr. Trump’s appointments to the Supreme Court and the decisions these justices will
make will impact our children and our grandchildren. His policies will support small businesses; keeping them
in operation and creating jobs our middle class so desperately need. Common sense will once again play a
role in decision-making, and the country will be run like a
successful business and spend your tax dollars with scrutiny. It is time to clean up state and national politics. An important lesson learned from this campaign is to never give up on something in which you believe. Mr. Trump never gave up! He was attacked by Hillary Clinton, the news media and some of the established Republicans. Watching the forecasted polls, it appeared that Mr. Trump needed a miracle to be elected president. Never losing hope, Judy reminded me that miracles are never a “sure thing,” because then they would not be miracles. Now it’s time to celebrate the miracle.
Mr. Trump cannot make these changes alone. It will take the unity, time and effort of the entire nation. I challenge each of you to join me and do your part to make your voices heard.
Let’s Make America Great Again!
Charles W. Herbster,
National Chairman of the
Agricultural and Rural Advisory Committee for President, Donald J. Trump