Doc Ryan
Our $525,000 Doc Ryan is the top-selling and record-setting bull of the 2021 T/D Angus sale. He has a time-tested and proven cow family behind him, an impeccable phenotype accentuated by incredible internal dimension, classic structural soundness, and superior performance and ratios from a large contemporary group. For Herbster Angus Farms, Doc Ryan is the most exciting out cross bull we have found in a very long time, and are very impressed with his calves. Currently, he has an average progeny weaning ratio of 103 on almost 500 head. In addition he has 349 head scanned with a ratio of 103 on IMF and also 103 on REA. His calves are structuraly superb, just like their sire; are thick, and are pushing the scale down at weaning. He was responsible for the top indexing heifer and bull in our herd. Not only is Doc Ryan an outlier for phenotype and structure, he also possesses elite EPDs. He ranks in the top 2% of Current sires for WW, YW, CW, and $W. He ranks in the top 3% of Current Sires for YW, $B, and $C. Semen readily available.
$50 per straw
$50 per certificate

Doc Ryan as a yearling