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Governor is the best calving ease option of the eight Charlo X 4136 bulls to sell in the 2017 SAV sale. Garnering an impressive price of $435,000 for a total valuation of $544, 000, he also had the most impressive marbling scan in the flush. Governor is a calving-ease option and adds dimension and growth to his progeny. 

Governor was responsible for the top-selling bull in our 2020 Bull Sale, the top-selling bull in the 2020 Voss Angus Ranch Bull Sale, and his sons averaged over $14,000 each at the 2020 Schaff Angus Valley Sale. 

Profit and power are a part of this bull's future! 

$40 per straw $40 per certificate
governor 2020 mature.jpg
His mother, SAV Blackcap May 4136. She has generated over $10 million dollars in progeny sales for Schaff Angus Valley 
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